Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Sony vs. Samsung

Knowledge@ Wharton has an interesting piece on Samsung's desire to become the next Sony, and how Sony's movie and music distribution businesses have gotten in the way of the technological innovations upon which it built its stellar reputation.

Among many salient points, the article offers market share data for LCD and plasma displays, data which shows that Samsung is the only manufacturer in the top 3 of both the LCD and plasma categories. Sony is number 4 in LCD and does not appear in the top 5 for plasma.

Here's the link:


Anonymous said...

Are you crazy???...

A SONY is a matter what.

Samsung products are unreliable , poor quality , not fit for anything.
They are just cheap...that's all...a junk.

Anonymous said...

LMAO Thats why sony reputation going down the drain while Samsung is owning Sony... Profits in 2005 was greater than 10x for Samsung And in 2007 the gap is only increasing.

Anonymous said...

Sony's products have been declining for years. infact Sony's products are of poorer quality now than Samsung. I can say that with authority since I work for Sony's licensed RMA, Trust me these things are much cheaper now. Why is that? well think back. when was the last time Sony used there japanese factories exclussively for making there products? 80% of there product line are made in CHINA. Samsung does have the superior TV technology. Infact some of the TV's we have here from Sony are indeed using SAMSUNG LCD. Get you facts straight

Anonymous said...

Well actually it might be the time for Matsushita to take place in the market. Sony however for years was the top of the line and they still make good products, now is a Dutch company known as Philips that is kicking as on TVs, by now owning LG and Zenith another US TV brand it seems that their is some room for Sony to compete with others.

I use to have an RCA TV and the picture quality is amazing and still when I look against the Sony TVs and others made by Philips, Panasonic and RCA their is a beatdown on Sony that RCA and Panasonic LCDs and Plasmas look better than the Sonys.

This mean that a Japanese company will take over on an American firm like they did with Quasar but this time Matsushita will aqurire a French firm known as Thomson but the competitors like Philips will be hard to compete because Samsung might be bought by another Eurpean firm or by Matsushita lets see if all odds look for the new and improved Sony some day.