Wednesday, August 08, 2007

San Diego Padres Continue HD Leadership

Three years ago the San Diego Padres established themselves as the professional sports franchise that appeared in HD more often than any other, thanks to cable channel Cox 4 that broadcasts virtually all of the team's games. Every home game was in HD -- this at a time when most teams were available in high-def for only a quarter or a third of the season -- but not only that, all of the team's in-division road games were in HD as well. This effort showed a tremendous commitment by Cox 4 to high-def broadcasting in the relatively early days of HD.

The news only gets better for Padres fans with the recent announcement that all of the team's games for the remainder of the '07 season, home and away, in-division and out, will be in HD. To my knowledge, only the New York Yankees YES Network has a similar commitment, which to their credit has been the case for this entire season. However, not all of the Yankees games are on YES (some are on WWOR My9) so it's unclear to me whether every Yanks game this season has been in HD -- although it seems likely that is the case.

If you know of any other baseball teams whose games are all in HD, please let me know. As with the Padres and Yankees, I want to give credit where it is due!


Anonymous said...

WWOR (MY9)has the Yankees in HD also. In addition I thought I read somewhere that the Boston Redsox station NESN carries all the games in HD also although I am not 100% sure of this.

Anonymous said...

NESNHD, the Red Sox owned station, broadcasts every game in HD, and has for the last two seasons! They broadcasted only home games the 3 years ago. They added 5.1 surround sound to the home games this year. They also broadcast all the Bruins games during the winter in HD. I would have to say, watching for the past few years NESNHD is quite advanced in HD programing. They also product many of there own programs in HD.