Monday, March 27, 2006

Panasonic Plasma Inventories Running Short

I've been getting a lot of feedback on the lack of Panasonic plasmas available from a number of retailers. In particular, the commercial-grade TH-50PHD8UK (see CNET review link below) seems to be in short supply. A friend of mine who owns a high-end custom home theater shop in Southern California says that the interval between ordering and delivery of these well-regarded models is currently averaging 3-4 weeks. A reader emailed me that a Panasonic rep told him that it's because this year's models are being rolled out, meaning that they quit making the previous generation several months ago. This may be true for the consumer line, but the pro line was just released on Sept. 1st of last year, so I don't think it's been replaced just yet.

If you know anything, please post a comment here or email me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just purchased a 50" panny and had no issues regarding shortages.