Monday, January 22, 2007

HD Porn: Too Much Definition

An article in The NY Times today calls to light how the porn industry is handling HDTV. Porn has traditionally been an early adopter of new technologies and can even claim some amount of credit for helping VCRs and DVDs take hold. With HD, however, stars in the San Fernando Valley are finding that like their Hollywood counterparts, there can be such a thing as being too close to the action. Sony, the lead company behind Blu-ray, has even gone so far as refusing to mass-produce porn in its new high-definition DVD standard, although others certainly will.


Anonymous said...

I can sure see why some actresses don't want HD porn. The younger and prettier ones are given an advantage, though. I'm looking forward to it.

Unknown said...

As a porn webmaster, I'd say you CAN'T be too close to the action. Our website is focused on extreme close ups in HD! Now you can see every details. Some find it shocking, the others just love it. What about you?

PrOnJunkie said...

I have an HD DVD player, and I will probably end up buying some porn for it in HD, but I have never purchased a DVD for porn either, so not sure… I watch it online, so you can believe that I have invested some $$$ into the WMVHD format.
Either way, HD Porn is the best. :)

Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe that the move to high definition by the porn industry is actually being criticized. As long as the industry steps up the quality of "talent", the pros far out way the cons of HD Porn.