Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Toshiba Unveils Combo HDTVs at CEDIA

Toshiba late last week unveiled its combination TV/DVD players at CEDIA, including two that contain a VCR in addition to the DVD player. Here are the details:

I'd be curious what others think of combo devices like these. My opinion is that while they're good space-savers, the danger is that if something goes wrong with either the DVD player or the VCR, you'll lose your TV while the other component is getting repaired. And I don't believe it's a theoretical debate, either: about two months ago our Pioneer DVD player went on the fritz and required a trip to the service center for about a week to get fixed (fortunately it was still under warranty). Had this been part of a combo HDTV/DVD player, we would have been without our TV for that week, not exactly an acceptable solution.

I thought the industry had moved away from combo devices such as these, but apparently Toshiba still believes in them.

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