Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Universal HD to Broadcast "Tom Cruise-Athon"

Universal HD released its October programming lineup, which includes the debut of "Medical Investigation" and a Tom Cruise-focused showcase of big movies. According to the company:

"On October 16, Universal HD invites you to jump on your couch and get crazy with its Tom Cruise-athon, featuring two highlights from Cruise's early career. Far and Away, a romantic adventure directed by Ron Howard, stars Cruise and Nicole Kidman as two young Irish immigrants who move to America in the 1890s to create a better life for themselves. With Born on the Fourth of July, Cruise earned an Oscar(r) nomination and a Golden Globe(r) Award for his portrayal of an idealistic young American who proudly enlists during the Vietnam War, but returns a quadriplegic and must then struggle to overcome drug-addiction and depression in order to turn his life around."

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