Friday, June 01, 2007

Panasonic Wants to Help Dads

Panasonic has been operating a Concierge service for a year or so now, offering help to its plasma customers. This year for Fathers Day, the company is opening its toll-free help lines to anyone who wants assistance making a flat-panel TV purchase, Panasonic customer or not. Of course, I'm guessing which way they'll steer you in their advice.

To my female readers out there, if any of you out there are considering buying your dad or husband a flat-panel TV for Fathers Day, I offer this word of wisdom: Don't. A flat-screen TV purchase is a highly personal decision for a guy and while you might get lucky and buy him the one he wants, odds are that he would prefer to pick it out.

Think about it this way: would you want your husband or father buying you a purse for Mothers Day? I think not.

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